Tag - food

First Impressions of Singapore

It’s humid (which I welcomed after coming off of the 15-hour plane ride that had rendered my face so dry). The streets are very clean (Uncle Jeff, you were right). Our taxi driver had lived in Singapore all her life, except for the time she spent at university in Melbourne. She, like many belonging to my parents’ generation, said that her home city has changed a lot...

Bye, Synergy

By(e) Sonja Hansen The Synergy swing on the back porch offers a view of an enormous, out of control jasmine plant. Last week, as I was walking upstairs, I saw a friend enter the Synergy kitchen below me. “Hey!” I greeted him, out of sight. “Who’s speaking to me?” He asked, confused by the disembodied voice. “Me! It’s Sonja!” I answered. “God?” He searched. “Where are...