Tag - Sacramento

Red Panda & Trash Panda: A Love Story

Every Saturday this summer, I had the honor of performing with a very talented group of performers through Sacramento Comedy Spot’s Musical Improv class. I had never taken an improv class before and hadn’t sang in front of an audience in over a decade. But over six weeks, I grew to trust in these creative and open-minded strangers who were so laid-back (even as I...

Musical Improv Grad Show — August 17

This event has passed! Check out my blog for the videos: Red Panda & Trash Panda A culmination of the Musical Improv class at the Sacramento Comedy Spot. That’s right! I’m going to be singing! Next week my classmates and I will be performing a mini-musical showcasing all of the skills that we have learned over the past six weeks. Every Saturday we...

The State of our Garden

My sister Morgan stares directly at the sun by Lake Clementine against her better judgement. (Do not attempt at home). Books, films, writing, updates on my life in SacraTomato I’ve been living in my childhood home for the last 2.5 weeks. I always look forward to the intense heat of summers in Sacramento. This June has been unseasonably cool, but now we’re really...

Swimming in My Grandmother — February 23

This event has passed! The Earth Systems Senior Capstone offers students the chance to undertake passion projects that encapsulate their experiences in the major. The requirement is meant to lead to the senior’s next step in their learning and lives post-Stanford I’ve come across climate humor that is dreary, hopeless, awkward and dark. Such feelings are valid and...