Tag - surfing

Five Artists, Writers, Surfers to Follow on Instagram

(Bradley Siefert) As the cold begins to set in and my skin begins to miss the feeling of the sun, I turn to Instagram for inspiration as to how folks across the country are spending their time to venerate the autumnal seasons. This is a list of my favorite creators who document their relationship to their environment and work to increase joyful accessibility to the...

Totally Ghoul Surfing Contest — Oct. 29

This event has passed! I am so excited to be attending Laru Beya’s Totally Ghoul Surfing Contest in just a couple of weeks! I’ll be conducting interviews with folks about the amazing passion and labor that they have poured into this community in order to empower historically excluded youths to surf their own breaks. So stay tuned for the article...

13 Yoga YouTubers who I Adore

Myself at Maui Goat Yoga. For the past three years, I’ve enjoyed starting my morning with these yoga instructors on YouTube. You might not get the same type of specific advice that an in-person class provides, but as a mobile student, I have been so grateful to these folks and their regular classes. I feel that they’ve helped so much on my surfing journey...

Three Vignettes for Bugs

When my younger sisters spot a Daddy-longlegs spider in the house, I’m the one who catches it and returns it outside. (I know, I know. I’m such a hero. Please bow down to my heroism. Bestow upon me the Sister of the Year Award. Shower me with praise.)  I don’t mean to be snotty, but when someone grabs a tissue, scrunches it over a bug and twists to mangle the...

Swimming in My Grandmother — February 23

This event has passed! The Earth Systems Senior Capstone offers students the chance to undertake passion projects that encapsulate their experiences in the major. The requirement is meant to lead to the senior’s next step in their learning and lives post-Stanford I’ve come across climate humor that is dreary, hopeless, awkward and dark. Such feelings are valid and...